Making a Mary Poppins Costume
As of late, I've been getting sucked in to my local theater. Apparently I had an inner costume designer lurking in a dark corner of my being. Well, she's out now! The thing is, that while I've been sewing for over 20 years, it's mostly been quilting. Following clothing patterns isn't something I've really done. Enter Mary Poppins. My local theater was doing a production of this play and renting her iconic costume was cost-prohibitive. I volunteered to build it. I figured this would force me to get better at using garment patterns and add to the toolbox of skills I try to cultivate. There's nothing like biting off almost more than you can chew to force some learning. Previously, I'd only ever made skirts and a tank top using patterns, so this was going to stretch my comfort zone significantly. I used Simplicity Pattern 2581 and muddled my way through over the course of about 10 days including alterations and fittings. The...